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Trinity Community Centre

2 September 2023 Word by Senior Pastor, Pastor Darien Choo

Today’s inspiration: “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.” John‬ ‭6‬:‭63‬ ‭NIV‬‬.No one can know Christ unless they are drawn by the God, our heavenly Abba Father. Likewise one could only receive what is given him from Heaven. John 3:27. Therefore salvation, sanctification and service of one’s life in the Kingdom of God can only be accomplish by the Holy Spirit. Many a times when we face challenges or crisis, we tend to use our flesh to solve problems instead of being directed by the Spirit of God.

Remember Saul was rejected because he took things into his own hands instead of taking it to the Lord like what David did in Worship. Our challenges and battle is not the beginning or in the end but the in between. Waiting time is not wasted time and Worship can turn all our fears, anxieties and stress into faith, affirmation and sustenance in Christ. Worship and prayer in the Spirit has tremendous benefits in building up our Holy Faith. Jude 1:20. Worship helps us to work out in between distresses, discouragements or disruptions. Worship ushers in the presence of God and sharpens our discernment in the Spirit during process of changes with the peace of God.

Prayer: O Lord my God, he who dwell in the secret place of the Lord shall abide under the shadow the almighty. I would say to you Lord that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Lead me with thy Holy Spirit as I worship you in spirit and in truth. Mould me and make me into your vessel and refine me in your process that I may become a vessel of honour for thy special purposes instead of wood and hay, in Jesus Name, Amen

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