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19 November 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: When you feel lonely and weary, remember the Lord your God. Commit your request to the Lord and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3.

When people speak of Esau, they always think in terms of his dumb way to sell his birthright for a soup. Genesis 25:29-34. However, we must not forget he was a skilled and cunning hunter with great ability yet gentle as he was devoted to his aged father Isaac and attended to his needs. Esau also had a forgiving spirit who forgave his brother Jacob who twice frauded him. Genesis 33:4,9. Therefore in life we must be careful of the way we live. We need a legacy of which we must be justly but humbly proud, not one that cause shame to our children. We need to leave a legacy of character.

All of us do make dumb mistakes but let that not be our label. So think carefully before you decide. Make sure it's a wise decision that brings you success. Do not be like Esau who in the spur of a moment of hunger and discomfort, sacrificed his birthright to block out the bigger vision and sunlight of God's covenant.

What is the birthright? It entitles one to receive authority and honor and a double portion of his father's inheritance. The eldest son often acted as the priest of the family in offering sacrifices and the priestly garb was kept for him. He also received a special blessing from the Father. In this case the blessing would have included the promises made by God to Abraham to inherit the land of Canaan. If Esau had kept his birthright, all the families of the earth would have been blessed. If we hold onto our birthright, as God's redeemed children bought with the blood of Jesus, we would inherit that which satisfied and lasts throughout eternity. You are a chosen generation a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people. 1 Peter 2:9. So live up to this name. God be praised.

Prayer: Abba Father help us to make the right decision in life that the choices I make are pleasing to you. Let me not make dumb decisions that deprive me of my blessings. Amen.

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