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18 June 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Josephine Lim

Today's Inspiration: Let our soul pant for God for the living God as the deer pants for the water. Psalm 42:1-2. Our knowledge of Him tends to exceed our experience. We know of the things of God- His power, His Holiness, His love, His being of going far beyond what we have personally experienced Him. There is a breach between head knowledge and heart experience which is dissatisfying to the Lord.

God is inspiring us to seek an experience of the same things we understand. This seeking when it is finished will attain the desired goal for us which is the true experiential knowledge of Himself.

We tend to experience knowledge without yielding to the Living God. We can only impart what we possess. Without experiencing Him, we are actually being religious and become lovers of philosophical doctrines more than lovers of God, all under the house of truth. Our knowledge should propel us to seek the experience.

Jesus died to restore us to a fellowship with God. His death was the purpose of our developing relationship with Himself and His Father that He purposed should be ours through His death. Without the experience, we will not know the truth and the truth cannot set us free. John 8:32. Without the experience we are not His disciple. Being His disciple is totally yielding to Him and surrendering what we possess to Him for His use. Those who feared giving to the Lord are not His disciples because there is no fear of lack in loving a perfect God by handing over authority of our life and possessions to Him.

Seeking Him is the only thing that will really satisfy a born again heart which is the true fellowship of love with God that He intended from all eternity. God be praised.

Prayer: Nothing I desire Lord from you except to worship You in the Holy temple and to inquire after you and touching you for the nourishment of my soul. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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