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17 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: The righteous shall live by faith and those who waver in faith is not pleasing to God. Habakkuk 2:3-4. We as people of God must believe not only that He is the one who had come but also He is the coming one. Faith is the spiritual staying power, an inner conviction by the Lord Jesus on the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. It requires a commitment of heart and the inspiration of others who lead us by example of their staying power of faith. Faith does not look back on past experiences but is confident of the future through profound trust in God and His promises that He will do what He has promised. 2 Corinthians 1:20. The greatest faith that inspired me most in the Bible is the life of David whose utmost faith in God, despite challenges after challenges to the extent of conviction of not to slay his pursuer, King Saul even when he had an opportunity to do so, deserves our admiration with awe. If he has done so, he would have contravened God's command of touching God's anointed. In God's timing he became King after King Saul died.

The other biblical hero of faith I wish to pay tribute to is the life of Joseph who battles alone with God to overcome every storm of life whose example is closest to our heart as we battle cyclical challenges of life. Others requiring admiration is of course Job and Abraham who face battles of similar nature though somewhat having different experiences.

Faith is therefore being confident of the certainty of His promises and to trust Him fully without wavering. What is the need of this hour? For the beggar on the streets its even a bowl of rice. Jesus' disciples are truly people of faith for they left all to follow Him, to live where the Son of man has no lodging, and eat whatever is provided. Faith is to be able to endure the storms of life that comes suddenly without warning like Job. A true believer of faith is one who knows that God is more than adequate for any demand of life confronting them. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord grant me the grace of faith to be able to navigate in the vast uncharted ocean which you are sending me to explore. Lord God keep me secure always as my Rock, refuge and strong tower. Help me to navigate through this challenging ever-changing world, even a world filled with uncertainties. Amen.

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