Today's Inspiration: Despite the Promises of God that assured us of success, there are times in which we are frozen to the core when we look at the problems ahead of us that appears impossible to overcome. Questions clouding our mind will be when and whether we will get back to the wealth and fame we used to possess. Yet in Christ Jesus we are promised that we can do all things through Christ which strengthened us. Philippians 4:13.

Joshua was in the same position when he was faced with Jericho fortress standing strong before him, appearing invincible to conquer. Sometimes when you look at problems in the natural understanding, you will not conquer but if you look at it from God's perspective whose promises never return to Him void without accomplishing His purposes, Jericho wall will weaken and degenerate before your eyes. On his own strength, Joshua will not be able to overcome but on God's strength and wisdom, Jericho will be delivered into his hands. God taught Joshua the reality of His promises by sending the Lord Jesus Christ Jehovah Sabbaoth in person to be the Captain of his army. Joshua had to learn to recognise the presence of God that demanded Worship to experience His power. He had to discover the importance of practising the presence of God in Joshua 5:13-15. Sometimes we don't recognise and practise His presence as we meditate on His word thus hindering us from hearing His instruction. God's word already assured him that if he meditates on His word in his coming and going out, Jericho wall that is on his next schedule of battle plan, will be conquered to facilitate entry to the promised Land. God will never leave him ( Hebrews 13:5) but will be with Him wherever he goes in Joshua 1:9.
Joshua's two fold truth for impossible task is to recognise the presence of God and practising His presence which Apostle Paul picked up in his beautiful prayer to the Ephesians church. Ephesians 3:14-19. Strength in our inner man will bring us the courage to get into the battlefield instead of waiting in the stronghold, totally depressed and clueless what the future holds. When we know that Christ dwell in our hearts, by faith, we are assured to be able to do beyond our imagination. Ephesians 3:20. Practising and acknowledging His presence enables us to be sanctified wholly and blameless that leads us to our victory. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord, Help me to conquer my daily battles according to the power that You have vested in me so that I can bring glory to Your name always.