Today's Inspiration: We can overcome any trials only by the Blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. Revelation 12:11. People fear to give testimony because they are afraid of people's knowledge of what they are facing or because they are afraid they might not be good enough speaking in public. By so doing, they have allowed pride and the fear of failure to keep them from testifying. The end of verse 11 tells us not to fear testifying.
We should not fear risking our life-giving glory to God. In fact, our fear of testifying is rooted in false humility.
We must remember our testimony is to give glory to the Lord and not to man. David always testified of God's greatness and might and of His Holiness. He always meditates on God's power of redemption. One Good example is in Psalm 77:12-14. In Psalm 78:4 he said that we should not hide the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has made, from the children and the next generation. This was done so that the next generation would also put their trust in God and keep His commands and meditate on the miracles He has performed. In Psalm 77:14-15 he declares that our God Almighty is the God who performs miracles, and display His power among His people. With His mighty arm He redeems His people. Throughout his psalms, he never failed to testify. In v11 he reminded us to remember the deeds of the Lord and declares he will remember his miracles of long ago.
Our testimonies are signs of our breakthrough of bearing fruit and the Spirit's power. John 15:8. John's writings recorded seven most powerful testimonies of miracles of Jesus. Majority of Jesus' miracles are in healing and provision because people believed only in signs and wonders. We tend to gauge by what we see rather than to see miracles beyond our human eye can see. Hence testimonies are to pave the way for people to believe in Jesus and that by believing, that Jesus is the Son of God they would have eternal life in His name. John 20:30-31.
God be praised for our awesome testimonies of Jesus. Let not the enemy hinder you from testifying of God's greatness in your life. Start writing a journal of testimonies of the Lord and you will see there are countless of them you have not testified to bring glory to God's name.
Prayer: Abba Father, it is Your Sovereignty to heal, save, provide and protect us so that our life will always bring you glory. Let my journal be filled with testimonies of Your greatness and might acts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.