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14 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

Today's Inspiration: You may never know the result of your action. Unless you put your hands in the plow, there will be no outcome. God is your shield and reward. Genesis 15:1. Everyone of us is born with the incredible gift of inner wisdom and power. Unless you unleash it, you will never know what you can do.

Soft skills are needed for progress especially the skill of communication, leadership and team spirit. It takes all kinds to make the world. Who are you following?

I believe the leader that we are following should be one who is engaging and inspiring - one that engaged people to go beyond with them with a team spirit mentality and set direction for them to do the impossible. This is what qualifies Jesus when He inspires them to follow Him. He always desires us to go beyond self and do work with a team spirit to achieve more than what they could in their own. That is why He sent His disciples out as a team to do what He has taught them to do. Matthew 10:1.

Leadership is about taking charge of your own energy then orchestrate the energy of others. - Peter Drucker. It's also a timeless truth. When Jesus sent out His disciples, He imparts to them the anointing to do His will. Commitment is not enough for a leader but he must be one who is genuinely caring, listening, respecting, challenging and trusting. Leaders fail because of lack of emotional intelligence. I believe God's compass today is to impart the skill of emotional intelligence and form a network of emotional intelligence researchers, advocates and practitioners.

The heart of a leader should be one who focus on providing transformational learning experiences and working with people as they go to implement their new awareness in their daily practices. The world is today clueless on how to proceed and has been constantly looking for leaders with a heart of compassion, wisdom, discernment and understanding. The church must now rise up to fill the role as the world undergoes rapid change in this global crisis. God be praised. Seek Him!

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