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Writer's picturePs. Alicia Teo

12 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: When God speaks a word to your heart, His word enters your heart like a fire shut up in your bones. No matter how you want to hold it back, you cannot. Jeremiah 20:9. For the Lord Almighty examine the righteous and probe the heart and mind, therefore it is good to commit all our thoughts and words to Him daily that whatever we think or speak are profitable to our listeners. V12.

The root of our angry reactions is self-pity which is destructive to our soul. God gives us emotions as assets and if we manage them intelligently, we will gain incredible value in our work and in our life so that our success can come to life. If you launch a project with a double mind, you are planning to fail. Nehemiah is a good example. He claims God will give him success to his project and declares that the enemy will not have the ability to lay hands on his project in Nehemiah 2:20 and it came to pass. Nehemiah 6:15. When you shift your mind from possible failure to success, you will surely attain the standard you long to achieve. You need to trust God and trust that your commitment to Him will bring success, you will never fail. Proverbs 16:3. Emotions if handled intelligently will lead people to excellent performance. Hence God gives us emotions as assets that drives us to a competitive advantage we need to thrive in a challenging world. So make use of our emotional intelligence wisely and do not allow yourself to unconscious patterns of reaction. Whatever is in your thoughts will come to pass. Prov 23:7. God be praised.

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