Today's Inspiration: Whoever speaks let him speak as it were the utterances of God. Whoever serves let him do so by the strength God supplies so that in all things God maybe glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever amen. 1 Peter 4:11. We need to have the mind of Christ to speak out His utterance. Our utterance must be moved by the Holy Spirit spoken from the mouth of God so that good will follow us all the days of our life.
We need to be certain about His calling and His choosing us so that we will not stumble in the faith to facilitate our entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior who abundantly supplies our needs.
We were chosen to be a people for God's possession purchased of the blood of Jesus to proclaim the excellences of Him who has called us out of darkness to His marvelous light by His mercy. Therefore we should abstain from words of flesh and fleshy lusts which wage war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11. Excellent moral character attract people to the Kingdom. Seek peace always for those who seek peace and pursue it finds peace. May God's ears be attentive to your prayer as you live harmoniously in empathy, be kind hearted and humble in the spirit. It's the godly virtues in us that finds favor from God. God be praised always.
Prayer: Lord guard my lips that my faith be not shipwrecked. May I be sober and vigilant at all times watching carefully the door of my lips so that it brings blessing for others for we were called for this very purpose that we might inherit a blessing. What we sow we will reap in His time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.