Today's Inspiration: When everything is hopeless, look to the Lord for it is in His heart not to cast men off forever. He brings grief to get your attention for your benefit. Grief is not the end but the beginning of a new experience with Him. He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to His children. Though He brings grief, He also shows His compassion. This is how great an unfailing love for us He has bestowed upon us. Lamentations 3:31-33. Both calamities and good things come from the Lord. For everything He does it's for His purpose and our benefit. V38.

When God speaks a word to us, we need to ponder what He is implying and the action we should take as we feast on His word each morning. Our minds are prone to wander and therefore it is essential to stop the mind from being your Master. As the spirit lives in you, you have the authority to stop the mind from wandering now that you have authority imparted to you as you dwell in His presence. Matthew 28:18. When you have control of your mind, your vision and purpose is clear. The removal of our carnal nature of fear of what others think of you will stop your mind from wandering. It's the fear of man's opinion and low esteem that hinder your walk with God. Our vision and purpose will die with doubt. Anything that is not of faith is sin. Our goal is to fill our hearts with God and do works that are pleasing to Him. We do not perform for outward reputation but for His glory. He will not give His glory to anyone else. Isaiah 42:8. As you replace carnality with God's word daily, overtime you see that only good thoughts dwell in you that bring forth more fruits. The soil of your heart needs to be cultivated daily to bear more fruit. God be praised.