Today's Inspiration: How time flies! The month of August is here and we have entered into a supernatural month of God's abundant harvest. May His blessings of love, peace and joy brings you a supernatural harvest beyond years. Many will see and be convicted that the Lord is good and His mercies endures forever. They will fear and put their trust in Him. Psalm 40:3.
Like Apostle Peter, we will be overwhelmed by bountiful harvests. Psalm 42:7. Deep calls to deep. You are called to push in deeper for a great catch.

The life that is pleasing to God is to live a life of relationship and hearing His personal whisper not to miss the train He is on but to catch up with Him when we hear His whistle blowing in our ears. Staying close to Him is to free oneself from slavery of ingrained habits of heart sins. Man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1:20. The natural motions of our life produced more mirth and dirt. We are always trapped by them. To get rid of them is to launch a frontal attack not in reliance of our will but that of His might and power. Zechariah 4:6. We will get morally bankrupt if we persist in relying on our flesh. Will power will never succeed in dealing with deeply ingrained habits. External righteous deeds only produce an outward show off success for some time but eventually the cracks and crevices of our life and our deep inner condition will eventually be produced. Jesus warned us of unguarded moments where careless words will reveal the condition of our heart. Matthew 12:34-35. We need to account for what we say and do on the Day of judgement. V37. So watch over our inner life with tender care. God be praised.
Prayer: O Lord Almighty in the Highest, remove my heart of bitterness and implant your compassionate heart in me, In Jesus name Amen.